My Holiday Message: Wisdom of the Moms

Happy Holidays!

When I was a little girl my mom would share tidbits of mom-wisdom which I later passed on to my daughters. That tradition continues as my daughter passes her mom-wisdom on to my grandson Maddox:


I’m sure you remember these classics:

  • Don’t cry over spilt milk
  • Life’s not fair, get over it
  • Could be worse
  • Everything happens for a reason
  • Eat your vegetables

We don’t really appreciate mom-wisdom until we are adults.

Fast forward to 2020. Of my office staff, six are moms and four of those are single moms. COVID was extra tough on these moms as they were asked to work from home, manage childcare, arrange on-line schooling, and deal with their families’ fears all at the same time.

I am so proud with how everybody in my office stepped up to the task in this difficult year, especially these moms. Not only did they do their jobs well, but they were also remarkably positive throughout. What mom-wisdom made that positive attitude possible? Each mom had a slightly different twist on two common themes:

  1. Your attitude doesn’t result from your situation, it’s your situation and how you think about it. In other words, don’t cry over spilt milk…. life isn’t fair, get over it.
  2. A better way to think about your situation is gratitude. I have to juggle my job, but I have a job. My kids are at home, but my kids are healthy. My life is more complicated, but there’s light at the end of this tunnel. In other words, could be worse… everything happens for a reason.

Wisdom of the Moms! I’m grateful to them…their brave actions help me look at 2020 in a different light and get ready to tackle whatever 2021 throws my way. Thank you Moms!

Best wishes to all for a Happy New Year! And don’t forget… eat your vegetables!
